Rule No. 1- Treat her like a lady ALWAYS. A little chivalry goes a long way in today's times. Open the car door for her, plan the date by making dinner reservations, hold her hand when you walk down the steps and she's in high heels, don't use your smartphone to FB or play Candy Crush when she's with you, best is if you put your phone on vibration mode (70 instant points!) etc. I'm not asking you to carry her handbag (personally, I really hate that!), but doing small things like that could really earn you major brownie points. And always pay for the first date, period.
Rule No. 2 - Clear her mind off work or other stresses that she may be feeling. A stressed woman will not have s*x with you. Unlike men who often use s*x to destress, women need to feel relaxed to let their hair down. With 101 more urgent things requiring her attention, s*x is usually the last thing on her mind. So what can you do? Give her some time to rant and offload her day, at this point, DO NOT OFFER ANY ADVICE OR TRY TO FIX THE PROBLEM. This is suicide. JUST LISTEN ATTENTIVELY, and SHOW SUPPORT. If you are lucky and she cries, that's the best way for women to offload, and build an emotional connection with you. Once step 1 is cleared, give her a shoulder rub (foot rubs work incredibly well for me!) or use laughter to turn the situation around, be goofy, be random and make her forget her stressful day. Before you know it, she will be making the first move on you.
Rule No. 3 - Groom yourself. If you show up on a date unshaven and smelling like you've just came out of a pub, then it's likely that you won't be getting any s*x that night, especially if she put in a lot of effort to make herself look good for you. Minimally, shower, shave, put on nice perfume, scrape your tongue and use mouthwash. Always check if you have bits of food stuck in between your teeth after dinner. You can have the most engaging conversation during your date, but she will not kiss you because of that darn broccoli bit hanging between your incisors.
Rule No. 4 - S*xting throughout the day is incredible foreplay. This is a good shortcut for men who think foreplay is a waste of time. Send her s*x or love texts depending on how far the relationship has progressed. S*xting is a skill, and could easily turn creepy if the girl you are dating is not that into you, and especially if she thinks that you are only interested in her for s*x. She'll drop you faster than you can say "Hey baby, your place or mine?"
Rule No. 5 - Be unpredictable. Girls love men who are a little bad-ass. Do something illegal, mildly inappropriate or get a little under her skin by being deliberately provocative. Give her a date that she will remember. The high that she gets will make her crave for you. Your job is to create this pattern consistently, and soon she will be hooked on you, willing to do ANYTHING for you just to feel that high again. Be her drug. This tip if overdone, may get you laid, but you may also end up with a clingy, needy be warned.
Rule No. 6 - Take Charge. Unleash that inner Caveman. All women, regardless of what they say, LOVE a man to be in control. SNAGs are way gay and too bitchy for a date, fine if we need a second opinion for a tote bag, but not to make out with. Don't ask her if you can hold her hand, just do it. Don't offer her a choice of restaurant, or ask her what she wants to eat (hate hate hate that!), just take her there or say "Let's do Chinese tonight". Soon, she will be following whatever you say, and you could tell her, "I want you tonight, let's go to my place." Think CAVEMAN!
Rule No. 7 - FOREPLAY needs to be mentioned. S*x cannot be rushed for a woman. You have to slowly savor every part of her, taste her, make her moan until she begs for you. Then withhold and continue to tease her ALL OVER AGAIN. This takes a lot of self restrain on your part, but trust me it is worth it! Another s*x tip is to make her feel safe to be vulnerable and free with you. Tell her how beautiful she is, how lucky you are to be with her, how great her hair smells and mean it (or at least act like you mean it).
Rule No. 8 - Make sure you behave the same before and after s*x. Women get very insecure after s*x, for some reason. One of their biggest fear is that you are only using them as a s*x object. If you want to have something more with her, you have to be consistent before and after s*x. Don't just roll over and go to sleep, talk with her, laugh and connect with her in bed, or simply hold her until she falls asleep. If she goes home, send her a text to tell her how much you enjoyed the date, and can't wait to see her again. Then CALL HER the following day, or she starts to get paranoid.
Some other tips that women find incredibly s*xy, although I wouldn't list them as Rules, would be to be nice to children and animals, to impress upon her that you could change a tyre or unclog a choked pipe, or a well-traveled guy with life lessons that the woman could learn from. Women look up to men who have special skills or interesting tales to tell.
Hope these tips are helpful to you. We would love to hear if you used any of them and got LUCKY. HUAT AH!